Why do sunken dark circles appear?

The eyes are the mirror, and they really are the first thing that others see of us and the ones that say the most about our emotional or physical health. Your eyes can say much more about you in terms of health and age than it may seem. But there are a number of conditions that, in addition to dark circles and dark, also cause sunken eyes, making the dark circles worse and making you look even worse.

The causes of sunken dark circles in women

One of the most common causes is genetics, a reason that cannot be controlled and that many people will have to live with. But aside from genetics, sunken dark circles can be caused by entirely different things.

Allergic rhinitis

  • Allergic rhinitis or allergies can cause sunken circles under your eyes. There are two types of allergies; seasonal allergies and perennial allergies. Seasonal allergies usually occur during the spring and fall when there is pollen or other features in the environment. Perennial allergies are allergies that last year-round and are caused by allergies such as dust, dust mites, mold, or pet dander.
  • Other symptoms of allergic rhinitis include sneezing, coughing, runny nose, itchy eyes, watery eyes, sore throat and headache… in short, it looks like a cold or flu but it’s an allergy. To minimize of allergies (as well as sunken circles) it’s important to stay indoors when possible, shower after you’ve been outdoors, and make sure your home isn’t too dusty.


Dehydration can happen to anyone at any time. You can become dehydrated, for example, if you are in a place that is very hot or humid and you do not drink enough water. Dehydration is common in the elderly, children, and athletes. Symptoms of dehydration include sunken circles under the eyes, low urine output, excessive thirst, and dry mouth.


Losing a large amount of weight can cause dark circles and sagging. As you lose weight, your face will start to thin out. Losing fat around the face will make your blood vessels more noticeable than normal, so your skin will be thinner and show through. This can also happen with age because collagen is also lost. To slow the loss of collagen you cause such as using sunscreen regularly and moisturizing the skin regularly.

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