Tricks for men with dark circles

Dark circles are an evil that not only affects women, it also affects men and also makes their faces ugly, just like another person who suffers from dark spots in their eyes. The causes of dark circles can be due to lack of sleep, dehydration, tiredness, anemia, allergies, taking medications, etc.

Age and heredity can also be some causes. When this occurs in men, the blood vessels under the eyes become more visible with age because the man loses fat and collagen in the skin. But, the disadvantage of men in relation to women is that they do not usually wear darken a regular basis to hide dark spots under the eyes, then. What tricks are best for them?

Food necessary to eliminate dark circles

  • Men will have to have a good diet that nourishes the skin; in addition they will also have to drink enough water. Mild dehydration can also cause dark circles. For this reason men (like women) will also need to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water a day.
  • As for food, it would be appropriate to choose nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables. The most advisable vegetables are those of orange color since they have vitamin A, citrus fruits because they have vitamin C and support the production of collagen. Of course, green leafy vegetables are also a correct option since they will provide vitamin E. In addition, essential fatty acids and zinc must also be obtained in the diet, since both nutrients are essential for. Eating salmon for omega-3s, pork for zinc, and iron-rich foods like eggs or vegetables are also good options.

Discover and treat the cause of dark circles

It is very important that a man who has dark circles knows why he has them and tries to solve these problems as soon as possible. For example:

  1. Allergies. If you have allergies, you will have to discover what it is and treat it to avoid dark circles.
  2. Nasal congestion relief. If you suffer from nasal congestion and chronic sinusitis, it is an idea to alleviate these symptoms since one thing or other cause dark circles.
  3. The lifestyle. It may be necessary to change the lifestyle, reduce the intake of alcohol and caffeinated soft drinks. Also if the lifestyle is sedentary you will need to start moving to increase circulation and improve general health, and dark!

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