How to get rid of hereditary dark circles

If your dark circles are hereditary, you will know for a long time that it is difficult to treat them, for example, with home remedies, because even if their appearance improves a little, you really need others that your hereditary dark circles stop being seen completely or at least. Least everything possible.

I am sure that whether you are a man or a woman you will know all the types of makeup and concealers there are and that there are to hide hereditary dark circles, and it is more than likely that you even have a favorite brand of concealer and that you apply it daily.

How to solve hereditary dark circles

But the solution for hereditary dark circles is usually a little more drastic (and expensive) because since it is something that has to do with genetics, your natural appearance will always tend to be the same, since it is about your natural physical characteristics.

But below I want to talk to you about some of these solutions so that you can assess any of them and be able to use it in the event that you can afford it and above all, that you want to do so. There are people with hereditary dark circles who get used to them as one more part of their physical appearance and do not give it much importance. But if you are one of the people who do give it importance, then do not hesitate to continue reading.

  • Injectable fillers

There are facial and injectable fillers that today can be an attractive and effective solution for those people who have hereditary dark circles and that are also deep. Normally it is done with hyaluronic acid that helps the appearance of dark circles to improve significantly, but it should always be done under the hand of a duly qualified professional.

  • Laser treatment 

With this laser treatment, it is possible to eliminate dark circles quickly, although if your dark circles have grooves or are too dark then it is likely that it will not work well for you. Although this laser option captures the darkness of the dark circle and eliminates it, it does not always work when there is too much furrow.

  • Special creams

Although creams are the cheapest remedy in the short term, it is also true that the results can be seen in the long term and that they are not always the expected results. Most of these products usually and should contain ingredients such as: vitamin K, retinol, green tea, vitamin C, among other useful ingredients.

  • Blepharoplasty

This type of intervention corrects dark circles and bags by repositioning excess tissue and strengthening muscles. This technique helps to eliminate the signs of fatigue.

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