Dark circles and period, is there a relationship?

There are women who have dark circles under their eyes when they have their period, it’s that simple. Dark circles and rule can be perfectly related the answer to this is that many women have iron deficiency when they menstruate, that is, they may have anemia due to blood loss. This blood loss will cause women to have dark circles too. Iron deficiency is one of the best known causes of dark circles under the eyes.

In order to have better hemoglobin levels, the presence of iron in the blood is necessary. The function of iron is to transport oxygen to cells. When a woman has her period and has a lack of iron (and therefore also dark circles), she may present symptoms to know that her iron level is quite low.

The relationship between menstruation and dark circles

  1. But anemia is not only indicated by dark circles under the eyes (because they could also be caused by other reasons such as lack of sleep, tiredness, stress, allergies, etc.). Other symptoms that can appear when you have a lack of iron during your period and therefore, and very surely also anemia, would be dizziness, frequent colds, tiredness and a feeling of frequent discomfort.
  2. If every time you have your period, in addition to being a heavy period, you notice some of these symptoms, I advise you to go to the doctor to have a blood test done because it may be more than likely that you will have to be given iron supplements for having iron deficiency anemia (anemia due to blood loss during menstruation).
  3. In addition, you will also have to take into account your diet to improve iron levels and also improve the appearance of your dark circles, for this you will have to increase the consumption of red meat, eggs, green leafy vegetables, spinach or soybeans. In order to better absorb iron in the body, you should take vitamin C, such as a glass of orange juice a day.

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