Are dark circles genetic?

Genetics can be a very good thing or bad luck. For example, if your mother had scandalous eyelashes and you also have them now, well, you really have been very lucky in your genetics because you will be enjoying incredible eyelashes, or perhaps you have the big blue eyes that your grandfather has… But On the other hand, it can be a problem when dark circles are inherited, because they can be genetic.

Genes are the most common cause of dark circles, and if there are people in your family or you have relatives who have dark circles, then it is very likely that your current dark circles are due to this cause and that it has nothing to do with whether you sleep better or worse.

What kind of genetic dark circles exist? 

  1. Dark circles are easy to identify as they appear as a uniform area of ​​darker skin under the eyes. The difference is that the dark circles that are hereditary are determined by genetics, so you will not be able to control that they appear since it will have nothing to do with other factors. The only thing you could do about it would be to try to make things look better or worse.
  2. Not all types of dark circles will be the same, far from it, since although they are all more or less the same since they are dark circles under the skin of the eyes , it will depend on your face shape, skin color and your genetics that be more pronounced or less.
  3. Dark circles are not only genetic as they can appear for multiple reasons, such as allergies, irritations, sleep, stress, prolonged fatigue, etc.

Genetics and dark circles: guidelines to reduce them

  • If you are a person prone to dark circles due to your genetics, you can combat them so that your appearance improves considerably by changing a series of habits.
  • It will be important that you apply sun protection daily so that your skin is not affected by the rays , if you drink too much alcohol or caffeinated drinks it can also make your dark circles increase, so it is highly recommended that you avoid these types of drinks at all coast.
  • In addition, smoking will also help you to have much more pronounced dark circles. I am sure that after knowing these bad habits, you will start to avoid these behaviors in order to combat dark circles.
  • Fighting against genetic dark circles is a complicated task, because in addition to avoiding some negative habits, you can carry out other types of ideas to try to hide them.
  • For example, if you know that your dark circles are accentuated due to allergies, you will have to go to your doctor to prescribe an antihistamine, if they appear more often because you have vascular problems, you will have to put cold cloths on your face in the morning to reduce its appearance, etc. But you can also hide them with a makeup concealer that matches your skin tone.

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